Profiling CMX Nominees

Uploading the list of CMX  nominees into our eCairn Conversation ™ platform, we enriched and profiled the nominees and are sharing some key insights we gathered with you below:

  • Nominees for Executive and B2B categories are the most influential within the Community Manager ecosystem (~15000 influencers in Community Management) we are monitoring.

Nominee’s influence in the broader Community Managers ecosystem

Most influential is Rosie Sherry with a score of 76 ;  Highest reach is Victoria  Tran with ~40K followers

  • Most nominees are Gen Y people and the gender split is 57% women, 42% men

Gender is done by text mining the twitter bio and analyzing the picture.

Age is done analyzing the picture and provides a “bracket” hence the total exceeds the # of people

  • Some companies have several nominees in different categories

What nominees talk about these days is community and more specifically …. CMX awards ;-)

And here is the social graph of the nominees on Twitter

Each link is a follow, RT or quote ; the size of the “bubbles” represent the influence of the nominees

If you’d like to see the list of every nominee and all of their social media handles, click the link below.


CMX hosts the 3rd annual Community Industry Awards


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