Finding Relevant Articles - New eCairn Feature!

“Content gives people a reason to visit (and return to) an online community”

 The Community Roundtable

We just introduced a new feature in the eCairn Conversation TM platform that enables marketers and community managers to identify relevant articles for their audience/community in just ONE click.

This feature is named: “Top articles” and it works like this

  • Starting with a list of 1000’s of people in your target market/community that we listen to on Twitter, blogs, Youtube…

  • Our application collects everything these people shared publicly on social media in the last days

  • It extracts the links (it’s a little more complex as links can be shortened, take you to another link… and another link) and counts how many people have shared the same link.

  • Results are presented along with a comparison with the previous period

Here are a few examples:

Data Scientist Community - Top Articles Oct 27th

15 (out of the 2000+ experts we monitor) have shared the medium article from Spiros Margaris

On the right panel, we can see who tweeted about it and what they said.

Community Managers Community - Top Articles Oct 27th

35 (out of the 12000+ community managers we monitor) have shared the link to vote for the CMX awards.

French Expatriates in the US  - Top articles Oct 28th

7 (out of the 3000+ French expatriatess) shared the link about the Jan 6 protest/members of congress meeting.  #4 is a French article. This feature works for any language

How can you use this?

First, if you have a community, Linkedin/Facebook page, or a blog where you write for a specific audience, you can republish articles that are the most popular with your audience. You know these articles are relevant as they were already shared by many people from your target audience

If you have a little more time, you can write your own post about articles that have been shared a lot and, as an example, summarize the comments. This is a very efficient way to connect with the people who tweeted about the original article.


Video Demo: Finding Relevant Articles on Conversation™


Yann Ropars Interview with eCairn